Participation and registration
Terms and conditions of participation and registration
Insurance coverage and participation right
- Each participant participates at his own risk. Competitors are responsible for their own insurance coverage. The organizer has liability insurance that compensates for personal and property damage caused by the organizers' mistakes.
- Children under the age of 18 need a guardian's written permission to participate. We generally recommend the Explore and Adventure series for participants under 18 years of age.
Ilmoittautuminen ja peruutus
- Registration takes place using the attached form.
- Participation is confirmed by paying the team fee.
- Osallistumisen voi perua 30.6.2025 mennessä, jolloin palautetaan 50% osallistumismaksusta.
Myöhäisemmistä peruutuksista ei osallistumismaksua palauteta. - A team can transfer the right to participate to another team by the day before the competition without any fee. Any changes has to be reported to
- The right to participate cannot be transferred to the next year, and cancellation does not result in a discount on the next year's participation fee.
- If the organizer has to cancel the event due to the restrictions of the authorities or another 'force majeure' reason, the organizer will deduct a processing fee of €30 from the participation fee. The rest will be returned to those who have already paid the participation fee.
Participation fees
- Early Bird hinnat voimassa 26.12. asti.
- 1. hintaporras 27.12.2024 – 28.2.2025
- 2. hintaporras 1.3. – 4.7.2025
- Tämän jälkeen vielä jälki-ilmoittautuminen kilpailuviikon maanantaihin asti.
- The participation fee is paid by bank transfer using the payment information available at confirmation email of the registration.
Content of the participation fee
- All classes
- compaetition material and arrangements
- kartat (pääosin omat kartat molemmille joukkueen jäsenille)
- GPS tracking
- ruokailun kilpailun jälkeen
- peseytymisen ja pukuhuoneet
- kayaks, padels and life vests (using your own padels and vests is alloweed)
- SI-tikun rasteilla leimaamista varten
- Lisäksi Extreme-sarjassa
- kuljetuksen lähtöpaikalle (sarjan lähtö ei ole kilpailukeskuksessa)
- varuste- ja pyöräkuljetuksen vaihtoalueelle (etähuolto)
Team limitation
- Jokaiseen sarjaan otetaan 60 joukkuetta. Joukkueet hyväksytään mukaan ilmoittautumisjärjestyksessä.